Occupational Health and Safety Policy
- Hold the worker health and safety before our whole activities and providing product and service which are suitable to the national and international standards according to this direction,
- To determine the risks with labor joint for OHS, to mobilize the all resources for solve or minimize the risks on origins.
- Construct a management system for performance development and control of OHS risks also to manage the observer and developer acts.
- To keep instantly accessible and ready all humanity and tangable resources in case of a potantial or emergency events and to update the knowledges with consistently studies .
- Instruct the clients about the risks of our products and provide technical support services.
- Work together with suppliers which do not carry risk for OHS, observe the suppliers and contribute to their devolopments
- All health and safety precautions should be taken for protecting workers and visitors’ health, keep the workplaces healthy and hygienic and follow the behaviours of people to observe if they are in accordance to the regulations.
- stated above is the Occupational Health and Safety Policy of our company.
- Apart from principles mentioned above Erdoganlar Alüminyum A.S. declares to accomplish humanity liablty for public health. I expect the same understanding from all of my collegues and I wish success all of them.
Ali Rıza Erdoğan
Chairman of the Board